Thursday, April 26, 2012


Growing up, my mother strongly disparaged me from viewing Soap Operas. In fact, this was "forbidden television" to put it mildly. The parental message was so adamant, that I have to admit, I have never seen a Soap Opera episode in my entire life. So,obviously, one can understand my innate fear of the newly popular reality shows.

Now that my mother is diseased, I ventured (with a degree of guilt) into the forbidden territory of reality shows just out of pure curiosity.  Sadly or not,  I am now hooked. I wait anxiously for new episodes of "Housewives of Orange County", amazed that, with all their wealth, they never seem to be able to find any simple joy in life. Watching them makes me feel really superior, which is a feeling I would not normally relish. But, hey, with TV cutout figures, it's OK, right?

Orange County Housewives aside, the two Bravo shows that I am most addicted to are - Interior Therapy, and Million Dollar Listings. Recently, both of these shows featured folks who were quite wealthy and yet, were great accumulators of material possessions. Bottom line, they were high end hoarders.

Their possessions - which ranged from 75 bottles of shampoo and tubes of toothpaste to 40 sweaters of the same style in multiple colors to endless collections of minutia gave me the complete "creepy crawlies." This is more stuff than anyone could consume in a lifetime.

Personally, I think even Martha Stewart is a hoarder. She simply has so many homes, she can just spread out all the "stuff" she collects to make it look really clean and minimalist.

I'm at the point in my life where I just really want to pare it all down and live like a monk. My philosophy is to consume only what you need. So take inventory. Donate what you can no longer use and someone else can use. Chuck the rest. I guarantee you will feel free as a bird. For me, that's what it's all about. This is the time of year to be motivated. Let's all PURGE!!! Recycle, re-purpose and donate. You will feel SO much better. Happy Spring!

Links to a Cleaner Lifestyle:
millioniare rejects

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